When Statistics Professor Emeritus Wesley Johnson first learned about the MiDaS 2019 Workshop on Novel Statistical Methods for Complex Data, he assumed it was a meeting of researchers involved with the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). In reality, the conference, hosted by the Center for the Discovery of Structures in Complex Data (MiDaS) at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, was held to honor Johnson and celebrate his countless contributions to the field of Bayesian statistics.
[Read more…]ICS Students Win Best Web App at HackSC
Last month at HackSC, a large-scale hackathon held at USC, the winner of the “Best Mobile or Web App” went to Align. Created by a team of students from the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS), the app helps people create interest-driven support groups.
Professor Guindani Named Fellow of the American Statistical Association

Statistics Professor Michele Guindani was recently named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA). “This is a tremendous honor that recognizes Michele’s many contributions to statistical methodology, collaboration, teaching and service to our profession,” says Daniel L. Gillen, professor and chair of the Department of Statistics.
[Read more…]Center for Statistical Consulting: A One-Stop Shop for Data Analysis
When Joni Ricks-Oddie became the first full-time director for the Center for Statistical Consulting in February 2018, her goal was to make the center a “one-stop shop” for data analysis. By also serving as head of the more medical- and clinical-focused Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) unit within the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), she aimed to better align the two groups to address a wide variety of campus and community needs. Since then, the Center for Statistical Consulting has redesigned its website to better advertise its services, hired an additional senior statistician and developed more training sessions, and entered into a new partnership that expands the center’s reach.
Statistics Ph.D. Students Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Two statistics Ph.D. students in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS), Olivia Bernstein and Jaylen Lee, have earned Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) provides a three-year annual stipend of $34,000 in addition to paying $12,000 to the university to cover the recipient’s tuition and fees.
[Read more…]New Data Science Scholarship to Promote Social Good
How can we leverage data science to make the world a better place? This is the question Statistics Professor Emerita Jessica Utts is pushing aspiring data scientists to consider. Through an endowment of $115,000 to the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS), Utts has funded a new scholarship in her parents’ name that will provide an annual $5,000 scholarship for an undergraduate data science major. The Richard and Patricia Utts Data Science for Social Good Award will require applicants to write an essay in which they propose a new idea for how data science can be used for social good.
[Read more…]Professor Shen’s Collaborations Exemplify the Significance of Statistics

Assistant Professor of Statistics Weining Shen’s recent paper in Circulation, a top journal in the field of cardiology, focuses on a complex topic — cardiac hypertrophic growth — but the main goal of his work is simple: apply statistics to improve healthcare. The paper, “Lin28a Regulates Pathological Cardiac Hypertrophic Growth through Pck2-Mediated Enhancement of Anabolic Synthesis,” stems from Shen’s work with Dr. Li Qian and Jiandong Liu at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and it isn’t the first paper resulting from Shen’s ongoing collaboration with Qian, Liu and their lab group.
[Read more…]Trio of ICS Professors Preview Tech Trends for 2019
How will technology trends and advances in computing influence various industries and affect our day-to-day lives in 2019? Offering predictions for the year ahead are three faculty members from the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science (ICS):
- Assistant Professor of Informatics Stacy Branham, whose research sits at the intersection of human-centered computing and accessible computing;
- Professor of Statistics Michele Guindani, an expert in Bayesian modeling and the analysis of high-dimensional data; and
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science Sang-Woo Jun, who works on building innovative system architectures for low-cost high-performance computing.
Here, Branham, Guindani and Jun discuss everything from universal usability and mobile health to future computer architectures, weighing in on what they think will be the top trends of the year.
Statistics Ph.D. Alumnus Andrew Holbrook ’18 Named a Finalist for the Savage Award
UCI graduate Andrew Holbrook, Ph.D. ’18, was recently selected as a finalist for the Savage Award in Theory and Methods for his dissertation and its contribution to Bayesian statistics. “This is by far one of the most prestigious awards in our field,” says Associate Professor of Statistics Babak Shahbaba, Holbrook’s Ph.D. adviser. “Regardless of the final outcome, this is a great accomplishment [and] a testament to his hard work and dedication.”
Multidepartmental Collaboration on Detecting Code Clones Leads to Distinguished Paper Award
Faculty and graduate students representing all three departments of the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) received a Distinguished Paper Award at the 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 18). At the internationally renowned forum for software engineering researchers, practitioners and educators, software engineering Ph.D. students Vaibhav Saini and Farima Farmahinifarahani, along with their adviser, Informatics Professor Crista Lopes, and statistics Ph.D. student Yadong Lu and his advisor, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science Pierre Baldi, were recognized for their paper, “Oreo: Detection of Clones in the Twilight Zone.”
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